Exhibition View
Watermark Kamov-ka
Loaded images in poor resolution are transferred as a large drawing onto drapes. Remote situations intrude the immediate space, similar to an augmented reality – it appears or fades away. The threat is depicted – it has a fictitious and condensed appearance. This version shows a Russian military helicopter of an army manoeuvre, 2021

The End Effect
This series of 14 banners takes up a register of dissipated images dealing with industrial, military, medical actions etc. which cause mutations - the erratic process of combining them is an attempt to add emotion, connect and articulate with the present, 2024

More Perfect Than Normal
For scientific purposes (e.g. NASA) spiders have been tested on drugs which resulted in mysterious spider web constructions.
I imagined spiders tested on a variety of drugs and building their web by using .xls to generate a fictitious version with formatted cells, just like weaving - questioning if anyone will ever examine their emotion, feeling or memory , 2024
D*PI (Bikini Islands)
Manipulated image file by removing information and creating a lace-like appearance - Print on Blueback, 2021